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Security is one of the largest and most important industries in the world. Whether we’re sitting at home or shopping in our favorite mall, we like to feel safe, and like with most things, a higher-quality security company means higher-quality safety. However, many security clients, unfortunately, don’t understand exactly what they’re paying for or what they’re getting when hiring a professional security company. This leads to clients looking for the cheapest possible option and unscrupulous security companies cutting corners and undercutting the competition to secure the contract.

When it comes to security companies, bigger doesn’t always mean better, and even some of the larger, well-known security companies out there are constantly looking for ways to keep their costs low and their profits high. This is why it’s important to understand exactly what you’re paying for and the type of security services you’ll be receiving before contracting a security company. Oftentimes, it’s easy to see why paying that little bit extra can make a difference in the long run. Let’s take a look at some of the more common reasons why you should hire a quality security company.


Security guards can tell a lot about the quality of a security company. Are they professionally trained? Do they wear uniforms? Do they speak your language? How do they present themselves on duty?  Are they paid a fair wage?  The last point is usually the hardest to figure out but is perhaps the most important and most revealing information you can gather about the quality of a security company.

If a company is offering cheap security services, chances are they’re not paying their employees fairly. This leads to a high turnover rate and a lack of people skills and motivation for guards to fulfill their duties. Would you trust a guard that didn’t care about their job? Probably not. A company that pays its guard’s fair wages helps ensure that the guards provide the best services possible at all times and is a clear indicator of the company’s high standards.


No matter whether you’re looking for a static guard to man the entrance to an apartment complex or a mobile patrol to secure an industrial estate, you need to be sure that the security company you’re hiring uses modern and high-quality equipment. In an effort to cut costs, cheaper security companies often tend to use older vehicles and security equipment, which could seriously impact the service they provide and the effectiveness of their response.

Quality security companies are always keeping an eye out for developments in security equipment and equip their guards with equipment that rivals that used by most law enforcement agencies, including state-of-the-art bodycams and bulletproof jackets.


One of the ways certain companies are able to offer incredibly cheap security services is by not maintaining adequate insurance. While this may not seem like a cause for concern to some, if a security company doesn’t have sufficient insurance then their clients could end up liable for any accidents or incidents that occur under their watch.

Always make sure to check that any security company you’re hiring is insured. The best and most reputable security companies will have insurance that goes beyond mandatory national or provincial requirements, ensuring that you won’t get into trouble for anything that happens while they’re on the job.


With all of this in mind, paying a little more for a quality security company is definitely worth it and, at the very least, you can rest easy knowing that your safety is in good hands. Contact 365 Patrol today to find out more about what makes us one of the best and most trusted security companies in Calgary and Edmonton.

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