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As the recent COVID-19 pandemic makes its way across the nation, businesses are facing an unprecedented decline in foot traffic and increased isolation. In light of this, those businesses that didn’t depend on walk-in foot traffic or their employees to be on-site have shut down their main operations and switched to a remote working model, at least until things begin to settle down.

Provinces all across Canada, including Alberta, have ordered the closure of all businesses deemed non-essential, and many businesses are preemptively shutting their doors prior to similar measures being announced.

Regardless of the choices you’ve made regarding your own business, all businesses across the nation face a common problem throughout the crisis: they’ll all be vulnerable to some form of loss. Moreover, security experts are predicting a rise in crime as businesses and provinces lock down, which is not something to be taken lightly. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the global situation is that lockdowns tend to spread law enforcement resources thin.

Apart from their regular duties, police officers will now be tasked with additional responsibilities like helping their local communities and enforcing new regulations, meaning that we’re likely to experience increased response times. This, unfortunately, presents an opportunity for criminals to ply their trade and take bold risks.

So, what can you do to protect your business during the coronavirus crisis? Sure, you can help mitigate risk by removing small valuable items that can easily be stolen, but what about expensive heavy equipment? What can you do to prevent your business from suffering from other forms of loss, such as vandalism? How can essential businesses protect themselves? The answer is simple: hire a mobile patrol service.


Luckily, Alberta has deemed security companies like 365 Patrol as essential service providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. This means that you can spend more time keeping yourself and your loved ones safe while we focus on protecting your business. If you don’t currently work with a Calgary security company or are looking to add on to your existing security measures, a mobile patrol service is a great option to help protect your business.

As criminals take advantage of business closures to break into or vandalize commercial properties, our professionally trained security guards are out there constantly moving from point to point throughout their shifts, ready to respond at a moment’s notice.  In addition to stopping any crimes in progress, hiring a mobile patrol service also serves as an excellent deterrent that can prevent opportunistic criminals from even thinking about breaking into your business and is one of the most cost-effective security measures you can take to ensure your business’ security regardless of the global situation.

Get in touch with 365 Patrol today to find out more about how hiring a mobile patrol service can help keep your business protected during the current coronavirus crisis.

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