Five Reasons Businesses in Calgary Should Hire Security Guards

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It is incredible how some businesses in Calgary operate without security guards. Many businesses worldwide do not hire them. Some people in Calgary do not hire security guards to reduce the cost of paying them. They would rather play the role of security guards. However, such business people forget that they lack the skills required for the role.‍

Since the business person lacks the necessary skills, an assailant can easily overpower them. That is because they lack weapons and the fighting techniques to defend themselves.

There are other reasons why businesses in Calgary need security guards besides facing possible attacks. Here are five reasons why businesses should hire security guards as soon as possible.


1. Hire Security Guards To Safeguard the Company From Loss

Retail Security Services by 365 Patrol
Retail Security Services by 365 Patrol

Shoplifting has significantly increased in Calgary over the past decade. Between 2014 and 2024, shoplifting incidents rose by approximately 75%. This surge has led to substantial losses for Canadian retailers, with the Retail Council estimating annual losses of up to $5 billion due to theft​​​ (BusinessDIT).

At 365 Patrol, we strategically deploy retail security guards to mitigate shoplifting losses. Businesses can hire static guards or mobile patrols. Our guards are trained to prevent both external retail theft and internal financial losses, enhancing overall security and efficiency for businesses.


2. Hire Security Guards To Stop Physical Altercations Within the Office

office security guard - hire security guard for the office
hire office security guards for safety and conflict resolution

Hiring security guards is not just about preventing shoplifting; it’s also crucial for maintaining a safe and harmonious workplace. Physical altercations can arise among staff members or between employees and visitors. If these conflicts are not promptly addressed, they can lead to serious injuries and a disruptive work environment.

At 365 Patrol, our security guards are trained to identify potential troublemakers. They monitor for suspicious behaviour and take proactive measures to prevent conflicts. Upon identifying a visitor who appears to be problematic, our guards keep a close watch. If the individual shows signs of aggression or initiates a fight, our guards intervene swiftly to de-escalate the situation and, if necessary, remove the person from the premises.

Our security personnel are skilled in conflict resolution and are equipped to handle various situations, ensuring the safety of both employees and visitors. By maintaining a vigilant presence, 365 Patrol guards help create a secure and productive workplace, preventing incidents before they escalate.


3. Employ Security Guards for Emergency Response

patrol routes in Calgary Security Guard Work

Unpredictable events can occur in any business, leaving workers unsure of how to respond. For instance, how would employees handle a sudden fire outbreak? What if a worker experienced a medical emergency, such as a heart attack?

By hiring our security guards, you won’t face these challenges alone. Our guards are trained to handle various emergencies efficiently. In the event of a fire, they quickly evacuate people to safety and sound the fire alarm to prevent the business from burning down.

If a worker suffers a heart attack, our security personnel, trained in first aid, can perform CPR and provide immediate assistance, potentially saving the worker’s life. Without such trained security guards, critical response time might be lost, leading to more severe consequences.

365 Patrol’s guards ensure that your business is prepared for emergencies, providing peace of mind and enhancing the overall safety and well-being of your workplace.


4. Hire Security Guards To Open or Close the Business

On Site Security Guards

Unforeseen circumstances can prevent business owners from opening or closing their establishments on time. For instance, if a child falls ill, a security guard can open the business in the owner’s absence, ensuring it operates smoothly. The guard also maintains security until the owner arrives.

Similarly, emergencies may require an owner to leave work early. In such cases, our guards can handle closing the business, providing peace of mind and ensuring the premises remain secure while the owner is away.


5. Security Guards Can Ensure the Safety of Employees Working After Hours

security guards on industrial sites

For many businesses, there are times when employees need to stay late to complete critical tasks. Whether it’s meeting a tight deadline or preparing for the next day’s operations, working after hours can be essential. However, it also poses security risks that can be concerning for both employees and employers.

Our security services provide a reassuring presence for employees who need to work late. Knowing that trained professionals are on-site ensures workers feel safe and supported, which can significantly improve their productivity and peace of mind. This added layer of security allows employees to focus on their tasks without the stress of potential safety concerns.

Additionally, security guards can assist with any unexpected incidents that might occur after regular business hours. Whether it’s handling a potential security threat, managing access control, or simply being a visible deterrent to any criminal activity, our guards are equipped to ensure a secure environment.

By providing after-hours security, businesses enable their employees to effectively manage their workloads, potentially reducing the burden on subsequent days. This not only improves efficiency but also contributes to a safer, more productive workplace overall. With professional security services, businesses can offer their employees the flexibility to work late, knowing they are in a secure environment.


Final Words Regarding The Five Reasons Businesses in Calgary Should Hire Security Guards

For anyone looking to start or maintain a business in Calgary, hiring security guards should be a top priority. The benefits extend far beyond the protection of life and property. With our professional security services, businesses can prevent crime, manage workplace conflicts, respond to emergencies, and ensure the safety of after-hours workers. These measures contribute to a secure and productive environment, allowing your business to thrive without internal or external obstacles. By choosing our security solutions, you are investing in the long-term success and stability of your business.

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