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Trucks are responsible for transporting over 90% of Canada’s consumer goods and foodstuffs both domestically and across the border with the United States. Needless to say, the entire country would come grinding to a halt if it weren’t for the trucking industry. However, as vital as trucking is to the country’s economy and the well-being of millions of Canadians, truck terminals still have to deal with the same security risks faced by other businesses.

Because of the quantity and value of goods stored at the terminals, theft by far is the biggest security risk faced by distribution terminals and trucking companies. Millions of dollars worth of cargo get stolen at truck terminals each year, and that’s not to mention the millions more lost to vehicle theft and vandalism. Not only do cargo thefts raise prices for average, law-abiding Canadian citizens, but they could be devastating for the trucking companies themselves. This is why hiring a security company is a must at any truck terminal.

In addition to installing basic security systems like CCTV cameras, fences, and gates, truck terminals should consider a more comprehensive approach to security, namely on-site security guards. On-site security services could include static guards, mobile patrol security, or a combination of both. While we’d recommend a combination of both, mobile security patrols, in particular, offer a few key advantages to truck terminals, including:

Peace of Mind for Clients
Despite their cargo being protected by insurance policies, it goes without saying that most trucking clients would rather not deal with the complex and sometimes lengthy claims processes following a theft. Having mobile patrolling services patrol your truck terminal, going above and beyond what can be achieved by static guards, instills confidence in both existing and potential clients. Mobile security patrols let your clients know that you take their business seriously and are willing to spend the extra money on proactive security measures.

Increased Employee Safety
Any reputable business should care about employee safety, and truck terminals are no exception. Given the value of the cargo and vehicles stored at truck terminals, criminals are won’t think twice about harming your employees during a theft. By acting as a crime deterrent, a mobile patrol service helps keep employees safe and assures them that you care about their safety.

Protecting a Large Area
When our Calgary security guards are covering commercial properties, like truck terminals, in the past it can cost a fortune. Mobile patrolling guards can cover large areas either on foot or in their vehicles and can respond to on-site issues in practically no time at all. This is especially useful when certain areas need more attention than others and it wouldn’t be economical to secure them with static guards.

Hire a Professional Mobile Patrol Security Company
Whether you’re in Calgary, Edmonton, or Ottawa, we’ve got you covered. Connect with 365 Patrol today for a quote and start reaping all the above benefits and more with our industry-leading mobile security services.

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